Kirpal Singh: His True Successor

In the world, in all ages, when a Master of the Highest Order leaves his physical body definitely, he has only one Successor who by divine decree continues his mission. This page identifies the qualities of the true Successor of Sant Kirpal Singh.
• There is only one man who at only 7 years old was visited by the Radiant Form of the Great Master Hazur Sawan Singh, while he was sitting in a meadow in front of his house, thousands of kilometers from Beas, India, and by Him he was elevated to a state of superior consciousness.
• There is only one man who, once at the feet of the Great Master Sant Kirpal Singh in Delhi, after a journey by land of thousands of miles, received from Him initiation into the mysteries of the Beyond and remained sitting on a mat in meditation for three days and three nights without interruption, enraptured in a state of divine ecstasy or Samadhi.
• There is only one man about whom the Great Master Sant Kirpal Singh said, as told in talks and magazines: “He came here for Initiation. His soul left his body and did not come down for three days. And I had to come and feed him water. He never came down; he went up and remained there.”
• There is only one man for whom the Great Master Kirpal Singh held with His own Holy hand the microphone while he talked, and permitted them to be repeatedly photographed in this pose together.
• There is only one man to whom, in a very precise place and time established in India, the Great Master Sant Kirpal Singh, while He was still alive, personally gave the duty of continuing His spiritual mission after His passing.
• There is only one man who, immediately after the sad funeral of the Great Master Sant Kirpal Singh, while the disputes for the succession were already raging, remained for one continual week in meditation in silence in a room at the Sawan Ashram in Delhi.
• There is only one man who, while the disciples continued to fight over who should be the Successor, on 26 October 1974, only two months after the passing of the Great Master, imparted the first initiation after His passing, without show or propaganda, giving regular experiences of Light and Sound, as it has been recorded.
• There is only one man who, even having personally received from the Great Master Kirpal Singh while He was alive the duty of continuing His spiritual mission, stayed out completely of all the disputes for the succession.
• There is only one man who continued the genuine spiritual mission of the Great Master Kirpal Singh through the School of Spirituality (Ruhani Satsang) and Man Center (Manav Kendra) as authorized by Him when still in life.
• There is only one man who, continuing the work entrusted to him by the Great Master Kirpal Singh, has appeared to different people in his Radiant Form, as they have testified, a long time before they met him physically and received Initiation into the Path by him.
• He still imparts the experiences of Initiation to the Divine Light and Sound, making sure that all the new initiates into the Path of the Spirit receive personal experiences.
••• If you find all these gifts and qualities reunited in one person only, you can rest assured that he is certainly the true Successor of the Great Master Kirpal Singh.
The Line of succession of the Great Masters of Spirituality after Kabir.
(Source: Baba Jaimal Singh by Sant Kirpal Singh.)
Kabir (1398-1518), Guru Nanak (1469-1539), Angad (1504-1552), Amar Das (1479-1574), Ram Das (1534-1581), Arjan (1563-1606), Har Gobind (1595-1644), Har Rai (1630-1661), Har Krishan (1656-1664), Teg Bahadur (1621-1675), Gobind Singh (1666-1708), Ratnagar Rao (unknown), Tulsi Sahib (1763-1843), Soami Ji (1818-1876), Jaimal Singh (1838-1903), Hazur Sawan Singh (1858-1948), Sant Kirpal Singh (1894-1974).
For more information on Kirpal Singh’s Successor: